
Showing posts from April 15, 2014

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

        What do you do when knowing that your husband faces possibly losing his job? What do you do when you know that if he does, that you will have to move back home? What do you do, knowing full well that you want SO bad to move back home; especially being 7 months pregnant and missing back home and your family; so much so that the whole time living where you are now, all you have prayed for is to go back home?        Sadly, I am faced with this. Since moving here, I have never fully adjusted. For the past 8 months, all I have wanted was to move back home. Especially being pregnant. If we have to move back home, I will have SO much more support. I will have my family and his. Our son will be able to be raised around his family. I won't feel so alone. I'll be back where I have always wanted to be..with the crazy weather and the beautiful green grass and lakes to swim in in the hot summer and the corn growing all around and the cows mooing and t...