Babies Don't Keep
I remember the day that my son was born almost 2 years ago. I had been in labor for well over 24 hours at home, and the contractions were getting worse and worse, but not progressing like they should have. At one point, as I was watching The Voice, and my husband was trying to force me to eat an orange Popsicle, because I hadn't eaten all day, my whole body shook uncontrollably for hours, as contraction after contraction was about 5ish minutes apart, but lasted 5 minutes each. Contractions were so unbearable, that my un- eaten Popsicle just melted down my hand, as my in- laws' chihuahua licked it up and the occasional bit of juices landed on her head. Before too long, we were heading to the hospital. The nurse bringing me in told me I was probably just dehydrated, because 5 minute long contractions weren't normal. "Well no duh," I told myself. When the doctor came in to check me, I was 6 centimeters dilated; we were ready to rock and roll. From there, things pro...