
Balancing Act

       WOW has it been a long time since I have last posted on here. Over a year. Honestly, a lot has happened in the past year, that has made me realize how much better I need to become at organizing the tasks at hand, with the time I have. Over this past year, I have also learned who and what is imporatnt, and who and what to let go of. Kind of gettting ahead of myself, here, I know.          Anyways, to start off, it has been an eventful past year. I am still going to school for 3D animation, and honestly, I love it more and more as the time goes on. I have already taken most of my english, math, science, and speech courses, so most of what I have left are art and computer classes. Which, honestly, is how I set it up on purpose. To keep me going. To keep me interested. For my first 3 semesters, I maintained a 4.0 GPA, but with a lot of stuff that happened last semester, my GPA was around a 2.5/3.0. No excuses, though, as everyone has thin...

Make time for yourself

     Things have been well here for the most part. :-) I got done with my first semester of classes December 22nd, and next monday I start my second semester. My first semester went great: both classes with a 4.0 (awesome, considering I was so concerned about my English class.) But anyways, towards the more fun stuff, I guess. In the past few months, we adopted a beautiful kitten from the humane society named Gonzo. Even though I am not a cat person, he is definitely my favorite. <3   I never would have thought that i could ever love a cat as much as I do. He acts like more of a human/ dog, than he does a cat, though he definitely has his cat moments. He has become like a second baby to me. My son adores him, and most times, he loves my son too, though they have their moments like all human siblings. XD Anyways, ontop of that, my son is doing pretty well. :-) Still has neutropenia, but not much else we can do about that besides seeing the doctor e...

Mastering School and Motherhood

   So, I know I have been off of here for a while. There has been a few things that have happened since I last wrote. For one, I lost one of my good friends a month ago, and someone who was family but like a best friend, a week or two ago. Moreso, in good news, I am going to college now for 3D design and animation. <3 I go to classes 4 days a week this semester, and it has been very stressful, but well worth it. <3 My son is so amazing, and taking things so well. I can tell you, though, even though being a mother becomes 1,000,000 times harder when you are going to school, remember to take care of yourself, too. Here are some self- care tips while going to school, being a full- time mother, and possibly working. 1. It is OKAY to eat that extra cookie or so. Don't beat yourself up. You deserve it. 2. Don't forget why you started school, or you will get overwhelmed and want to quit. 3. Make sure to set aside time every day, even if it is only 10-15 minutes to remind yo...

Great Expecations about Motherhood

      When it comes to mothering, it is VERY hard work. Most people think labor is the hardest part (which, yes, it is VERY hard,) but at least with that, there are all these doctors and experienced women who can tell you best positions, breathing techniques, etc. With taking care of and raising a child, you ask anyone how they did it, and I guarantee you they will tell you the same thing. "I don't know. I just did it." I mean, when you are pregnant, they all tell you "you will never sleep again," and it's true. When your child is a baby, obviously they will be up EVERY hour. When they get into toddler age, they will never want to go to bed, and eventually want to skip naps. When they get towards teenage years, they might sleep more, but you will obviously be running around for this and that for them, and never find time to sleep for yourself. Also, they'll be out with their friends or driving, etc, and you will stay up late until they get home; worrying...

Raising a child in Today's society

          When you have a baby, your first thought is usually happines,tears of joy, and such huge possibilities for that babies' future. You don't think about everything bad that can or will happen. When I had my son, besides the depression, all I could think about was how he was changing my world and how it's just the start of the impact he will have on this world. As he is growing up, with all of these terrible things going on in the world, most people's first instincts would be to hide their child in a bubble in the house and tell them how cruel of a world this is, and that the world outside is dangerous. I can't say that I haven't thought about doing that, for a few seconds. When I think about things, though, I am starting to realize that you CAN'T live your life in fear. If you do, what kind of life is that, constantly looking over your shoulder; waiting for something bad to happen? Holing you and your family up in the house; afraid that if you go to t...

Purple Rain

When a celebrity passes away, what is your first thought? Sadness? Heart- break? Unsympathetic? Nonchalant? I'm sure, every person would answer somewhat different. As most people know, Prince passed away yesterday, and it hit most of the world by storm. Some people seemed to act like they couldn't care less, while a lot of people were in utter shock and disbelief. How does a singer make such an impact on the world? Some say he was just another celebrity that everyone has lost their head over. I can't speak for everyone, but I can say this. It is not often that a singer comes around and STAYS amazing and impacts so many people through their music, from the day they start, until the day they die, and even after they pass away. Not only was Prince good looking, but his music...his music was transformative. His music wasn't just "sex music," as most people saw it, but it was many other things. There are a lot of times in my life, that when I think about that speci...

Springtime Adventures with Mommy

Since "spring has sprung," we haven't had a WHOLE LOT of quality time outside, experiencing what nature has to offer, since it has been cold and/ or snowing/ raining. Today was a bit chilly, but it was too beautiful to pass up. First, Christian wanted to play with his new bubbles, so he got to do that for the first time. When he dumped them on the ground, we decided it was time to try something else, so we played with sidewalk chalk for awhile, until he got bored of that, and we went back to the bubbles. We also explored and looked at flowers and hidden "treasures" in the grass. Today wasn't just about being outside, but EXPLORING, and LEARNING about the big world outside of our apartment. I would say today has been a huge success. Sometimes the most success in a day, is just letting the little ones explore, and let them be little, because as we all know, they are only little for a short while, and you can't remake memories. A flower budding pr...