Great Expecations about Motherhood

      When it comes to mothering, it is VERY hard work. Most people think labor is the hardest part (which, yes, it is VERY hard,) but at least with that, there are all these doctors and experienced women who can tell you best positions, breathing techniques, etc. With taking care of and raising a child, you ask anyone how they did it, and I guarantee you they will tell you the same thing. "I don't know. I just did it." I mean, when you are pregnant, they all tell you "you will never sleep again," and it's true. When your child is a baby, obviously they will be up EVERY hour. When they get into toddler age, they will never want to go to bed, and eventually want to skip naps. When they get towards teenage years, they might sleep more, but you will obviously be running around for this and that for them, and never find time to sleep for yourself. Also, they'll be out with their friends or driving, etc, and you will stay up late until they get home; worrying yourself to death until they get home SAFE. Once again, missing out on sleep. You will worry for your kids, until the day you die. Honestly, worrying comes with the territory of motherhood. I try to be the type of mother that lets her son do stuff on his own and explore for himself, but sometimes I can't help worry, even if it's not out loud. Though we as mothers don't really have the answer to making it all work, we do know that you will worry.  I can say, though, that even though there are days you will worry and days you want to scream and cry and rip your hair out, there will also be unbelievably good days. There will be days where your little one hugs you and gives you kisses when you have had a bad day, and everything seems to melt away. There will be days where your little one smiles and it seems like the sun could never shine as bright. There will be days where they laugh and all you want to do is keep that moment forever, so you can hear their little laugh over and over and over. There will be days where you puff your chest out with pride, as they learn a new word or show you that they know how to do something on their own. There will be days where you don't know whether to smile or cry, because they have officially decided they don't need to hold your hand anymore. There will be good days, I promise. Sometimes we get so caught up in being mothers, that we forget to take a step back and CHERISH those little moments that some day will be all you have left; the smiles and the memories. Motherhood is hard, but it is also the most rewarding. When you are old and gray and maybe in a nursing home, talking to all of your new friends, I can guarantee you one of the first things you will want to talk about is your kids. Being a parent is hard, but it brings on so many experiences that you can't learn anywhere else. I, for one, can tell you I have learned so much in the two years my son has been alive, than I ever have before that. So hug your child tonight. Thank them silently, for making you a new, and better person. There are so many expecations when it comes to being  a mom, but all of them could never come close to the reality of it all. The reality is so much better.


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