Things have been well here for the most part. :-) I got done with my first semester of classes December 22nd, and next monday I start my second semester. My first semester went great: both classes with a 4.0 (awesome, considering I was so concerned about my English class.) But anyways, towards the more fun stuff, I guess. In the past few months, we adopted a beautiful kitten from the humane society named Gonzo. Even though I am not a cat person, he is definitely my favorite. <3

I never would have thought that i could ever love a cat as much as I do. He acts like more of a human/ dog, than he does a cat, though he definitely has his cat moments. He has become like a second baby to me. My son adores him, and most times, he loves my son too, though they have their moments like all human siblings. XD Anyways, ontop of that, my son is doing pretty well. :-) Still has neutropenia, but not much else we can do about that besides seeing the doctor every 6 months. He is still growing like a weed, nit-picky with his foods, says "stop it," and "sorry" a lot, and LOVES cars. His new favorite movies to watch over and over and over again are Pocoyo, Finding Nemo, Inside Out, Rudolph, Garfield, and a few others. Outside of that, there hasn't been a whole lot exciting. It is snowing buckets outside, and cold as ever. In my couple weeks of Christmas break, I was able to do a few recent paintings/ drawings, and that has excited me beyond belief. Especially now that I am able to paint with artist grade paints, instead of the acrylic crafts paints I was using. XD Though i still use those, too ;-) Don't let me fool ya.
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me) |
by Heaven Payne (me)
Also in the exciting life of me.... at the end of this month, I will be going to my first concert/ fanmeet, to my favorite Kpop group, GOT7. <3 It is a few hours away, but I am absolutely SO excited!!!!!!!!!!! Over the past year, I have become an even bigger KPOP fan and KDrama fan. If you don't see me painting/ drawing, I can guarantee you I will be either listening to Kpop (BigBang, GOT7, ASTRO, Gdragon-from BigBang, Blackpink, and many many others,) or watching Kdramas for HOURS on end. :-) I love spending as much time as I can with my son, but I also enjoy mommy time, as well. <3 THAT LEAVES ME WITH TODAY'S MESSAGE: As a parent, make sure to make time for yourself. I know I have said this before, but even if it is just a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours, whether it is just a bath/ shower by yourself, or a candy bar you don't share, or if you go shopping with your friend for an hour with/ without the little one(s). Being parents, we oftentimes spend so much time taking care of our little ones, that we forget to take care of ourselves every once in awhile. You can't fill everyone else's cup, if you have nothing left in your cup to fill them with, because you are so worn out. I know it's hard, but if you keep neglecting yourself, it WILL catch up to you, and it will make it harder to take care of them, in the long run. In order to take care of them, we must first take care of ourselves.
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