Mastering School and Motherhood

   So, I know I have been off of here for a while. There has been a few things that have happened since I last wrote. For one, I lost one of my good friends a month ago, and someone who was family but like a best friend, a week or two ago. Moreso, in good news, I am going to college now for 3D design and animation. <3 I go to classes 4 days a week this semester, and it has been very stressful, but well worth it. <3 My son is so amazing, and taking things so well. I can tell you, though, even though being a mother becomes 1,000,000 times harder when you are going to school, remember to take care of yourself, too. Here are some self- care tips while going to school, being a full- time mother, and possibly working.

1. It is OKAY to eat that extra cookie or so. Don't beat yourself up. You deserve it.
2. Don't forget why you started school, or you will get overwhelmed and want to quit.
3. Make sure to set aside time every day, even if it is only 10-15 minutes to remind yourself that you are amazing.
4. Look at your children, and remind yourself "I made that human being. My body created them and nourished them. What can't I do?"
5. I know it seems like it will never happen, but get some sleep. When your little one goes to sleep at night, rest your head on that pillow. I'm not saying don't take some nights just for yourself, but more times than not, we stay up to clean, cook, do dishes, laundry, etc, etc, when we are just EXHAUSTED. Your mental state is important. You deserve it. Let the dishes wait until tomorrow night.
6. Sometimes you need to just draw yourself a bath full of frilly scents, salts, oils, and some music, chocolate, etc.
7. Most importantly, when your brain tells you you need to take a break from studying, or to get an occasional day to yourself, do it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are NOT alone. <3

P.S. This will all be so worth it in the end. Never give up. Remind yourself every day to keep going. No one can make you want it more than you, and when you want it more than anything, you will stop at nothing. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(this picture does not belong to me: I found it on google)


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