You are growing up so fast. It's hard to believe that in less than 4-5 months, you will be 2 years old. I remember the day you were born, clear as day. I know, I know, that sounds so cliché, but it's true. The days that led up to your birth were some of the hardest and scariest, but the moment I heard your first cries, they all became irrelevant.
The first thing I remember saying, was how beautiful you were, and I couldn't stop crying, because you were finally here. The nights after that were long and dark and full of struggles, but I wouldn't trade them for the world, because they are what has shaped you into who you are today. I used to think that you would never stop crying, that you would never want to be put down, that I would never sleep again, that things would never stop being difficult. Partially, I was right. Things never stop becoming difficult, but I have traded in your screaming and crying nights, and wanting to be held 24/7, for different difficulties. Looking back on those sleepless nights where you and I would cry together for hours, I wish I could tell myself to just cherish it all. I would tell myself that even though it may not seem like it, things will get a little better, but I will miss those nights terribly.
To be honest, I miss you wanting me all the time. Now, you are your own, independent, strong- willed, bright, smart, funny, determined, handsome little boy, and I start to wonder where the time has gone. You no longer want to spend endless hours snuggling in mommy's arms sleeping, but instead, prefer playing with your Lego's; screaming with laughter as you knock your toys over and yell "uh-oh!!!!" You no longer cry for mommy all night, but in turn, prefer daddy to come running when you don't feel good. You no longer want mommy to do everything for you; you would much rather choose your own outfits, read your own books, walk on your own, into the house, pour your own milk, shut the lights off, throw out your own diapers, and do all you can do, without my help. You are becoming such a big boy, now, with a great big heart and a beautiful smile full of 10 teeth. You shine such a beautiful light on this world, and impact so many people's lives, that you will never know/ be able to comprehend. You are loved so much, and as you are getting bigger and learning more and more things each day, I want you to know just HOW MUCH you ARE loved. As you sit in the corner, pecking on our old keyboard and playing with an old apple juice bottle, you are experiencing new things and learning just how big the world can be. Even though you will grow into a handsome young man one day, who has his own house and his own family, I want you to know that I will always be here, remembering these moments, and cherishing them. Most of all, I want you to know that no matter how big you get, you will never be too big for my short arms to wrap you in a hug. You will never be too big for me to be here for you no matter what. Most of all, I want you to know that no matter how big you get/ how far away you move, I will always love you, and there will never be an ocean too big or a mountain too tall, that my love won't be with you. Because as my mom told me once, a mom's love is forever, and when you become a mom, the spotlight is no longer on become the spotlight, as you help your baby shine. And baby boy, you shine so much already, I can't wait for the world to see how much you shine when you get older.
Until then, I will love you to the ends of the Earth,
MOM <3
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